Remembering Lynn Nicholson

We are saddened to share the passing of Lynn Nicholson, Secretary-Treasurer of the CCG, on Friday, January 31.

Lynn was a valued member for many years, serving as a director, president, and secretary-treasurer for nearly 15 years. He also made significant contributions to Craft-T-Carvers and other chapters over the years. His dedication and leadership had a profound impact on our Guild, and his friendship will be deeply missed.

Our hearts go out to his wife, Marie, his family, and his many friends in the woodcarving community. May they find comfort in the love and support of those who share in their grief, and may the memories of Lynn’s kindness and dedication bring them peace in the days ahead.

The California Carvers Guild (CCG) is a statewide organization of woodcarvers. It has approximately 400 members and 51 active chapters, organized into a Southern District and a Northern District. To find a chapter near you, use the state map or browse through the Chapter List.

The benefits of CCG membership include fellowship with other woodcarvers, the opportunity of participating in the many carving shows and training opportunities, and receiving the CCG monthly publication, The Log. If you are a competetive carver, you'll find that the CCG shows are an excellent opportunity for competition; check out our Judging Program.

Of course, you can belong to the CCG as a Member at Large. You'll miss out on the benefits of belonging to a specific chapter, but still get The Log and be able to participate in shows and competitions.

OK, so how do I join?


CCG dues are: Individual membership $25 per year, Family Membership $40 per year, Life Membership $300.

To join, download the Contact List and print it.
The membership application is located at the top of the contact list. (Note that it starts at the top of page 1 and continues on the top of page 2.)
Fill out both sides of the application and send it, with your check, to the Membership Chairman at the address given on the form.

To renew your existing membership, send your dues to:

          Membership Chairman - Kathie Peery
          P.O. Box 162
          Copperopolis. CA 95228
          If you have questions about membership, or by telephone [209-785-7702]

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